Monocrystalline Module
● Solar cells have been used in the module with bettelperformance in terms of parameters.
Visible Quality
● Durable, high-quality, smooth aluminum alloy frames.
● Riqid construction 2400 Pa & 5400 Pa rated assembly.
● Specially designed drainage holes prevent the framtfrom deforming or breaking due to freezing weatheand other forces.
Superior Manufacturing-Quality Assurance
● Advanced cell sorting to avoid electric mismatch.
● Triole 10096 ELTestbefore & after lamination &prlor to shipment.
● Comprehensive Safety and Reliability tests areperformed.
Power Output
● Our IP67 rated junction box improves moduleperfommance and stability.
● Hlgh-performance connectors provide low reslstanceinterconnection to ensure the full utilization of moduleoutput power.